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Purchase assistance in Burgundy, Morvan

You have (probably) found your dream home! Now an exciting time begins, the purchasing and negotiation process! That sounds simple, but there can be many problems which can occur. Especially if you do not speak good (legal) French, you need to pay close attention and investigate every detail.

Would you like to have someone who only looks after your interests and will help you through the entire purchasing process and also helps you with the utilities? Then you have come to the right place.

What is often forgotten is that not only the entire paperwork is important, but also the final check and transfer at the notary itself. So I am also present to guide you through.

For complete purchase assistance I charge €2500 incl. VAT, within a radius of one hour around Arleuf (58430). No nasty surprises afterwards, you know what you pay and it won’t be more.

Specific questions? Please feel free to contact me via the contact form.

See you soon!

Kim BAIN – Bien en France

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